

Christian Evangelical Mission Church

in Highland Park


 Nov. 11, 2018, 1:30 PM




Mrs. Ella Liu 




   Ms. Kwee Lim 




     Mr. Ding Chan




Mrs. Dolly Peng




Mr. Morgen Li




Mrs. Ying Y. Wang




Mr. Charlie Wang




Mr. Michael Ling


Clean Up:


Mrs. Marian Chan     


Clean Up:


Mrs. Swee Yoke Lim











Call to











Hymn of






Cong. Stand
















Psalm 8











Cong. Stand














Adult Choir





Mr. Chan


(Any Last Words?)                         








Cong. Stand
















Cong. Stand








Cong. Stand



祝 福





Rev. Wong




Threefold Amen




Cong. Stand



殿 樂








The Lord is in His holy temple

===== 1/1 =====


The Lord is in His holy temple


The Lord is in His holy temple


Let all the earth keep silence,


Let all the earth keep silence,

before Him,


Keep silence, keep silence,

before Him.




诗篇 (Psalm) 95:6, 7

95:6 Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;

95:6 來啊,我們要屈身敬拜,在造我們的耶和華面前跪下

95:7 for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.

95:7 因為祂是我們的神;我們是祂草場的羊,是祂手下的民。惟願你們今天聽祂的話


#517 美好時辰

In Moment Like This

===== 1/1 =====


n moment like this, I sing out a song,


I sing out a love song to Jesus.


In moment like these I lift up my hand


I lift up my hands to the Lord.


Singing I love You, Lord,


Singing I love You, Lord,


Singing I love You, Lord,


I love You.


詩篇 8

(Psalms Chapter 8)

8:1 O Lord , our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

8:1 大衛的詩、交與伶長、用迦特樂器。〕耶和華我們的主阿、你的名在全地何其美.你將你的榮耀彰顯於天。

8:2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

8:2 你因敵人的緣故、從嬰孩和喫奶的口中、建立了能力、使仇敵和報仇的、閉口無言。

8:3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

8:3 我觀看你指頭所造的天、並你所陳設的月亮星宿、

8:4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

8:4 便說、人算甚麼、你竟顧念他.世人算甚麼、你竟眷顧他。

8:5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

8:5 你叫他比天使〔或作 神〕微小一點、並賜他榮耀尊貴為冠冕。

8:6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet:

8:6, 7, 8 你派他管理你手所造的、使萬物、就是一切的牛羊、田野的獸、空中的鳥、海裡的魚、凡經行海道的、都服在他的腳下。


8:7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field,

8:8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

8:9 O Lord , our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

8:9 耶和華我們的主阿、你的名在全地何其美。


#354 開我的眼,使我看見

Open My Eyes, That I May See

===== 1/3 =====


Open my eyes, that I may see


Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;


Place in my hands the wonderful key


That shall unlock and set me free.


Silently now I wait for you,


Ready, my God, you will to do;


Open my eyes, illumine me,


Spirit divine!

===== 2/3 =====


Open my ears, that I may hear


Voices of truth Thou so sharp and clear;


And while the message sounds in my ear,


Everything false will disappear.


Silently now I wait for you,


Ready, my God, you will to do;


Open my ears, illumine me,


Spirit divine!

===== 3/3 =====


Open my mouth, let me declare,


Word of assurance everywhere;


Open my heart, and let me prepare


Your loving kindnesses to share.


Silently now I wait for you,


Ready, my God, you will to do;


Open my heart, illumine me,


Spirit divine!


1. 今日崇拜後有茶點,歡迎大家留步同享美好團契.

2. 本週三晚八時於楊孫錦雲姊妹府上舉行查經禱告會, 歡迎弟兄姊妹邀約親友踴躍參加.

3. 本週六(11/17)晚七時正於彭熙鈞伉儷府上舉行錫安團契,歡迎弟兄姊妹邀約親友踴躍參加(方便者請攜帶一菜分享).

4. 下週三(11/21)感恩節前夕晚七時半於本會副堂舉行感恩見證分享聚餐,歡迎弟兄姊妹邀約親友踴躍參加(弟兄姊妹若方便請攜帶一菜分享).

5. 11/25/18為本會感恩崇拜,本會將備有感恩信封,請弟兄姊妹隨著聖靈的感動,存感恩的心奉獻,崇拜後有聚餐,弟兄姊妹若方便請攜帶一菜分享.

6. 國際佈道會於12/29/2018-1/1/2019主辦第四屆青少年冬令會(14-35)假賓州StevensRefreshing Mountain休閒活動中心舉行.11/9前報名費用$150,11/1011/30$175.11/30$300.


7. 上主日中英文聯合崇拜奉獻:$1851.00.建堂基金:$201.00.   週一餐館查經班奉獻:$390.00.



1. We welcome everyone to stay for the refreshments after service.

2. On Wednesday night 8:00PM, there will have a Bible study and prayer meeting at Mrs. Grace Yu’ house.

3. On11/11/2018(Saturday)at 7:00PM,we will have our Zion Fellowship at Mr. & Mrs. Randy Peng’ s house, please bring a dish to the potluck dinner.

4. On11/21(Wednesday)at 7:30PM, we will have a Thanksgiving Eve Potluck and Testimony night in the fellowship hall of church, Please invite your friends to came (please bring a dish to the potluck).

5. On 11/25(Sunday) is Thanksgiving Service, we have prepared Thanksgiving offering envelopes, please give with a thankful heart. Please bring a dish to the potluck.                                  

6. CEMC will be hosting its 4th Annual Young Adult(ages 14-35)Winter Retreat from12/29-1/1/2019 at Refreshing Mountain in Stevens, PA. Price is $150if registration is completed by11/9,$175from 11/10 to 11/30,and $300 after 11/30.Please register https://goo.gl/oUjVxN. Please make check payable to CEM.               

7. Last week’s offering: $ 1851.00. Building Fund : $ 201.00.

Monday Bible Study offering : $ 390.


#427 親愛主,牽我手

Precious Lord, take my hand

===== 1/2 =====


Precious Lord, take my hand,


Lead me on, let me stand;


I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;


Thru the storm, thru the night,


Lead me on to the light,


Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home.

===== 2/2 =====


When my way grows drear,


precious Lord linger near;


When my life is almost gone,


Hear my cry, hear my call,


Hold my hand lest I fall;


Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home


Any Last Words?


vLet’s say you are going oversea for a couple of year (new job), what would you say to your family?

Ø To your son or daughter?

Ø Or to your siblings?

vYour child is going off to college in the fall! What would you say to him/her?

Ø Good luck, study hard and be sure to graduate in 4 years? Don’t waste my money!

Ø Make sure you eat well, sleep well, and take care of yourself?

Ø Or just wave good bye without saying anything?

vOr if you are about to be called home by the Lord, you gather your wife/husband, your children, maybe even your friends!

Ø What would you say to them? Will it be meaningful?

Ø Will your family and friends remember your words of wisdom?

Ø Or will they remember that it was too long winded or that it was too confusing?

vA famous president gave his famous farewell address in his hometown of Springfield, Illinois on Feb 11, 1861 This was right before he left for Washington DC to fulfill his duty as the elected president.

Ø Who was this president?

Ø One of the most important ingredients is Lincoln’s reference to his faith and what God almighty can do! An ingredient that is certainly missing in most speeches today.

vIf you take hold of the opportunity, and if you can effectively convey your words of wisdom to your audience; your children, spouse, and friends.

Ø They will forever take it to heart.

vToday we will examine 7 famous Bible characters and their last parting words.                                     

Ø These are their words of wisdom accumulated from their walk in faith with God.

vThere are 2 areas of applications today.

1. That we learn from their wisdom and take to heart what we must do in our Christian life.

2. That we will learn 7 important ingredients to use, whenever you need to convey words of wisdom to your spouse, your children, even your brothers and sisters in Christ.

I.       Remind Them


(Joseph – Genesis 50:24-25)

50:24-25 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.  And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

50:24-25 約瑟對他弟兄們說、我要死了、但 神必定看顧你們、領你們從這地上去、到他起誓所應許給亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各之地。  約瑟叫以色列的子孫起誓、說、 神必定看顧你們、你們要把我的骸骨從這裡搬上去。

vJoseph reminded them of God’s promise, the land to which God had given until their Fathers.                He reminded them that God will “surely” visit them and bring them out of the land of Egypt!

Ø That God will keep His promise and that God will not forsake them and leave them in Egypt.

vJoseph reminded them of his personal faith in God!

Ø So strong was his faith that God will fulfill his promise, he commanded the children of Israel to carry his bones out of Egypt and to be bury in the promise land! This is faith in action!

Ø Faith is trusting God that He will perform the things he said be it in your life time or not!

vJoeseph reminder that God is with them, to wait patiently for God’s time, to trust in the Lord!

vDear friends, we must remind ourselves each day that God will keep his promises to us and we to keep our faith in Him.

Ø No matter what difficulties in life we face, no matter what battles await for us at the end of our journey on earth that God is with us and will not forsake us.

Ø Know God’s promises; know that He will keep them.

vDear friends in your words of wisdom to your …. alwaysRemind them of their faith in God”.

Ø Remind them that they must live by faith! For without faith it is impossible to please God

Ø Remind them of God’s promises that God will keep each and every one.

Ø Remind them of God’s wondrous work that he had done in your life as well as in theirs!

Ø Remind them to wait on the Lord!

II.      Challenge Them

約書亞記 2414-15

(Joshua - 24:14-15)

24:14-15 Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.  And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

24:14-15 現在你們要敬畏耶和華、誠心實意地事奉他.將你們列祖在大河那邊和在埃及所事奉的神除掉、去事奉耶和華.


vJoshua spent approximately 80 years leading his people; including as an assistant to Moses.

Ø If there is one thing that he understands and that is the disposition of the people!

Ø That they are as the Lord tells us, a stiff necked, stubborn people.

Ø A rebellious people whose hearts always wander away from the Lord.

§  This sounds familiar? For we are very much so a like!

vJoshua issued a challenge to the people, to make a choice between serving God or the false gods.

Ø Serve in this sense, means who is your Master in your life?

Ø You cannot put one foot in one boat, and your 2nd foot in another! They will pull apart!

Ø Joshua himself is not afraid to let people know where his conviction lies.

vDear friends, let us challenge ourselves and make a choice to serve God.

Ø Take the opportunity while we have the strength and might to serve God, while we have the desire and love to serve God; to following after his truth!

§  ILLU: - A brother in Christ once said to me - “after I made my millions, I will give my life to God”.

Ø Give him the best of your youth and strength, not when you are old and frail.  Serve God now, and serve Him faithfully!

vDear friends, in your words of wisdom to your …Challenge them to serve God”, not the world.

Ø That it is never “evil” as Joshua said to serve God!

Ø That is to say, it is always good! Because our service for God is never in vain.

III.    Charge (Instruct) Them


(David - 1King 2:1-3)

2:1-3 Now the days of David drew nigh that he should die; and he charged Solomon his son, saying, I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and show thyself a man;

And keep the charge of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:

2:1-3 大衛的死期臨近了、就囑咐他兒子所羅門說、


遵守耶和華你 神所吩咐的、照著摩西律法上所寫的行主的道、謹守他的律例、誡命、典章、法度、這樣、你無論作甚麼事、不拘往何處去、盡都亨通。

v David before he dies, charged Solomon to keep God’s commandment and to walk in His ways!

Ø So that Solomon and his kingdom will prosper whatever he does wherever he goes! So that the line of David will be not broken.

Ø That Solomon is to watch his heart carefully!

Ø He is to walk before God with all his heart and with all his soul!

vDavid’s prayer in Psalm 86:11 - Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.

Ø Because our heart often times is split across many commitments and desires.

Ø That is why David ask God here to unite his heart, so that all of his heart can be used to focus in walking in God’s truth!

Ø Remember, God looks at our hearts!

vDear friends let us keep David’s charge, to walk in God’s truth, to keep his commandments with all of our hearts.

Ø So that we will be prosperous in whatever we do, and wherever we go!

vDear friends, in your words of wisdom to your …Charge them to walk in God ways”.

Ø To love God and Keep His commandment with all their hearts as our Lord Jesus Christ charged us!

Ø To guard their heart! Solomon says in Proverbs “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

§  ILLU: I charged my children before they go to college.

IV.   Warn Them

所羅門傳道書 1213-14

(Solomon - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

12:13-14 這些事都已聽見了.總意就是敬畏 神、謹守他的誡命、這是人所當盡的本分。

  因為人所作的事、連一切隱藏的事、無論是善是惡、 神都必審問。

vSolomon’s spiritual life was an up and down one! At his golden years he wrote Eccl. and imparted to us his wisdom in all that he had experienced with and without God in his life.

vHe warned us that there are several important things that are important and matters in life!                     In many ways, similar to his father David’s last words.

Ø Solomon urged us to fear God and to keep his commandments. These two goes hand in hand.

Ø If you fear God you will naturally keep His commandments,

Ø Iif you do not fear God, the inclination is that you will take His commandments lightly, and will likely to keep His commandment less and at best will be inconsistent

§   ILLU: A child will keep the parent’s word if he/she fears them.

vSolomon warns that each person and all that he/she had done in life will be judged by our Lord.

vDear friends, life is short… I remember that it was only yesterday that I was in my teens or twenty something years! In a blink of an eye, here I am!

Ø How have we spent our times? What have we done for the Lord?                                                    

Ø What will our Lord say to us when we stand before him in judgment?

Ø Let us heed Solomon’s warning. To use our time wisely for the glory of God!

vDear friends, in your words of wisdom to your …Warn them of God’s judgment”,                                    for we all have to give an account one day to our Lord.

Ø Instruct them to fear God and keep His commandments because

§  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

§  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

V.     Exhort Them


(Paul - II Tim 4:6-8)

4:6-8 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

4:6-8 我現在被澆奠、我離世的時候到了。



vPaul in this last letter exhorted Timothy; that is to spur, to push, to encourage him to persevere in his Christian life and the responsibilities that were entrusted to him.

Ø To keep up the faith, to finish his race and not give up.

Ø Paul was an example that Timothy is to follow; He didn’t give up, he didn’t lose faith,                       he didn’t leave any of the work that the Lord entrusted unto him unfinished.

Ø And now he’s got something wonderful to look forward to, the Lord Jesus, and the rewards that He will be handing out to him.

vDear friends, yes the responsibilities that the Lord gave us may not be easy!

Ø Living the Christian life can be very challenging especially in today’s society.

Ø The trials and difficulties at times are almost impossible to bear and to go through.

Ø There are times when we don’t understand the answer to our prayer that God gives.

Ø But we must keep up our faith, keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus and finish our race.

vDear friends, in your words of wisdom to your … “Exhort them to finish their Christian race”.

Ø To be strong in their faith, to not give up.

Ø To look forward to seeing our Lord Jesus at the finish line.

Ø  To look forward to him handing out the prize, the crown of righteousness to us.

VI.   Prepare Them


(Revelation 22:20)

22:20 - He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

22:20 證明這事的說、是了.我必快來。阿們。主耶穌阿、我願你來。

vThese were the Apostle John’s last words given to him by our Lord Jesus on the Island of Patmos.

Ø  After the revelation, John closes with his last words to usEven so, come Lord Jesus”.

Ø John expressed his desire and eagerness to see the Lord return again.

vDear friends, why does Pastor Moses always talk about the Lord’s coming back soon?                                  Is it because he loves prophecy? Or signs of end times? Yes...

Ø But I think it is because, like John, Pastor Moses looks forward to seeing the Lord and His heavenly kingdom.

Ø Do we look forward to His 2nd coming? And are we prepared if He comes back for us today?                    II Peter 3:10  - “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night”.

Ø Or will we saynot yet, I have not fulfilled my goals and desires yet.”

Ø Remember, our Lord Jesus himself saidSurely I come quickly”.

vDear frields, in your words of wisdom to your …Prepare them for the 2nd coming of our Lord”.

Ø Instill in them that we are but strangers on this earth, and that our home is Jesus’s Heavenly Kingdom.

Ø  Prepare them with a heavenly perspective instead of an earthly perspective!

VII.  Bless Them


(Moses - Deuteronomy 33:1)

33:1 And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.

33:1 以下是神人摩西、在未死之先、為以色列人所祝的福。

vMoses before his death; before his trip up to the mountain of Nebo to view the promise land,            blessed the 12 tribes of Israel. As Jacob did for his children.

Ø When someone blesses you; it is a good wish, invoking of God’s blessing upon you.

§  Example: A toast in a wedding or parents giving them their blessing in marriage.

vDear friends, if we harken to the words of wisdom that all these great men of God gave, we would live an abundant and blessed lives.

Ø God will so greatly bless us that our cup will overflow; no amount of containers will hold His blessings for us.

Ø Blessed is the man that walks in righteousness and fears God.

Ø Blessed is the man that delights in God’s word.

Ø Blessed is the man that trusts in God!

vDear friends, in your final words of wisdom to your …Bless them! Bless them with the blessing of God”.

Ø This is something that we seldom do! Am I right?

Ø How many parents here bless your children? Most of the time we’ll say, take care, be good, etc. But we rarely say a blessing to them!

Not only it is a wonderful thing to


but it also serves as a reminder for

them of the blessings of God if they

follow Him all the days of their lives.


vParting speeches are only good if you are prepared to give them and have to opportunity to do so!  

vBut what if you don’t have a chance, an opportunity?

Ø ILLU: Livingston and a Towaco Brother that passed away suddenly.

vSo dear friends, why wait, why not now?

Ø We are supposed to build one another up, to exhort one another all the more as the day draw closer.

vParents, why wait?

Ø Why not take advantage of every opportunity to teach your children now?

Ø When you walk, when you drive, or when you are going somewhere, take the opportunity to instill upon them God’s word.

vYou never know when you may not have that chance again.


May we take heed the words of wisdom that we learn from these great men of God so that we will walk a life that is pleasing before the Lord.

May the Lord help us: to Remind, Challenge, Charge, Warn, Exhort, Prepare, and to Bless our ..

And may the Lord give all of us strength to do this each and every day.


#421 豈能讓主獨背十字架

Must Jesus bear the cross alone

===== 1/3 =====


Must Jesus bear the cross alone,


And all the world go free?


No; there’s a cross for every one,


And there’s a cross for me.

===== 2/3 =====


The consecrated cross I’ll bear,


“Til death shall set me free,

忠心到底直到 天家,

And then go home my crown to wear,


For there’s a crown for me.

===== 3/3 =====


O precious cross! O Glorious crown!


O resurrection day!


Ye angels, from the stars come down,


And take my soul away.


#256 三一頌


===== 1/1 =====


Praise God from whom all blessings flow


Praise Him all creatures here below


Praise Him above ye heav’nly host

讃美聖父, 聖子, 聖靈

Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

